How Dino Fumigation Services uses an automated Inventory Management approach to boost sales with Xara IMS

xara inventory management system user

Company Introduction

Dino Fumigation Services, is a Malawian leading pest control company. It is primarily a seller of useful agricultural inputs and specialists in disinfection & fumigation services. With an extensive inventory of Agricultural inputs, DINO’s goal is to ease access to safe and useful products for your crops. In addition to that, DINO Fumigation Services offers efficient and effective fumigation services for homes and corporate spaces that is free of harm for persons and pets.

What you’ll learn;

  • How DINO Fumigation Services uses Xara Inventory Management System to streamline the management of stock
  • How DINO Fumigation Services uses data analytics to increase their Return on Investment
  • How to make informed decisions and set goals for your business.

The Challenge

Before implementing Xara IMS, Dino Fumigation Services struggled with several issues:

  • Manual Processes: The company relied heavily on manual processes for scheduling, inventory management, and customer communication, leading to inefficiencies and errors.
  • Inventory Management: Tracking inventory levels and ordering supplies were tiresome and often resulted in stockouts or overstock situations. This resulted in making huge losses as customers were often dissatisfied and products were expiring without knowledge.
  • Limited Visibility: Lack of real-time visibility into sales activities and performance metrics can hinder effective management and timely interventions.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Maintaining accurate records of customer interactions and service history was challenging, impacting customer service quality.

The Solution

Dino Fumigation Services implemented Xara IMS to address these challenges. The system offered a suite of tools designed to automate and streamline their operations, including:

  • Inventory Management: Xara IMS provided real-time tracking of inventory levels, automated reordering, and detailed reports on stock usage.
  • Scheduling and Dispatching: The system enabled efficient scheduling of services and dispatching of technicians, reducing downtime and improving service delivery.
  • Automated Sales Tracking: Xara IMS provides automated sales tracking, reducing the need for manual entry and minimizing errors. Sales data is captured in real-time, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. This helps DINO to make informed decisions to boost their revenue.
  • Real-Time Data and Analytics: The system offers real-time sales data and analytics, enabling Dino Fumigation Services to make informed decisions quickly. This helps in responding to market changes and customer needs more effectively.


The implementation process was smooth and well-structured:

  1. Initial Assessment: The Xara IMS team conducted a thorough assessment of Dino Fumigation Services’ needs and customized the system accordingly.
  2. Training: Comprehensive training sessions were provided to ensure that all employees were comfortable using the new system.
  3. Data Migration: Existing data was carefully migrated to Xara IMS, ensuring continuity and accuracy.


The transformation brought about by Xara IMS developed by Xplore Technologies Ltd was remarkable. Some of the key benefits experienced by Dino Fumigation Services included:

Improved Operational Efficiency

  • Automation of Manual Processes: By automating scheduling, inventory management, and customer communications, the company reduced errors and saved significant time.
  • Enhanced Scheduling: The scheduling and dispatching features allowed for better resource allocation, reducing technician downtime by 20%.

Optimized Inventory Management

  • Real-Time Tracking: With real-time inventory tracking, Dino Fumigation Services maintained optimal stock levels, reducing stockouts by 30%.
  • Automated Reordering: Automated reordering processes ensured that supplies were always available when needed, improving service reliability.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

    • Better Record-Keeping: Detailed customer records allowed for personalized service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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